From: Chuck Guzis
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2012 10:10 PM
On 9 Jan 2012 at 21:09, dwight elvey wrote:
> Of course, English isn't the only natural
language but some think it
> is.
No, but Basic English (note the caps) has a pedigree:
To the best my knowledge, other languages, say, Old
Church Slavonic,
do not have a similar pedigree..
What do you mean by "pedigree" in these statements?
Basic English (which, contra the Wick, is "Business, Arts, Science,
Industry, Commerce English") is the failed pipedream of a single person
(and I'm speaking here as someone with 40+ years and undergraduate and
graduate degrees in linguistics). It's an attempt to round off the
corners of a natural language in order to make it easier for those
unfortunate enough to be born elsewhere than in the United States of
America to be governed by those more graced by God.
In what way does that constitute a pedigree?
And it's interesting that you chose, of all languages, Old Church
Slavonic as your example. OCS was based on the South Slavic languages
of the 10th Century (CE) Balkans, with vocabulary borrowed as needed
from Koine ("New Testament") and Byzantine
Greek to fill in the needed
concepts for expressing (Orthodox) Christian theology in
languages which
did not share that world view. The Christian scriptures were translated
into this refined and enhanced language for the purpose of converting
the heathen Slavs from their old ways of belief.
It worked. I'd say that that's a pretty damn good pedigree as these
things go.
Damn, this soapbox didn't look so tall when I climbed up here.
Rich Alderson
not speaking for anyone but himself, and so including no .sig that might
lead some reader to think otherwise.