At 07:30 PM 7/22/99 -0400, Bill wrote:
Well, I gave up on the MIO for a while. Tony's
while good, was making my head spin! Also, I don't have any
26 pin card edge connectors. So I started looking at the
Cromemco 4FDC documentation and, lo-and-behold, it has a
serial port. The documentation on the serial port is clear
and simple, and I now have toggled in a short program to
initialize it and echo characters (also, put them on the
front panel lights). According to the docs, the EPROM on this
board contains a monitor which operates through the serial
port, but, and it is quite emphatic about this, it is Z80
code. Is anybody out there using one of these? With an
8080A? Maybe could send me an alternate monitor to burn
on an EPROM?
Yes I have used the 1k "RDOS" monitor, one thing that made it useful was
the source printed in their brown booklet. Back when, I modified it to use
a Vector Graphics flashwriter. You might look for earlier Cromemco monitors
that could use a 8080A. (Like with a 8k Bytesaver). If you aren't using a
disk, the 3 most useful cammands are display memory, substitute memory, and
jump to a location.
I don't remember if any of these in the RDOS monitor would work with a
8080, but they aren't too difficult to program. That monitor source is how
I "got my feet wet" with Z-80 assembly.
I also have Cromemco "Control basic" somewhere in 3 2708's, but could not
get it to run several years ago, either with a TUART or fixed serial port.
(bit rot?)