Chuck McManis wrote:
Does anyone have handy the jumper changes to make a
Dilog DQ706 and DQ703
the *second* MSCP and TMSCP controllers respectively?
Jerome Fine replies:
I finally dug out my notes - I can't seem to find my manual, but I will keep looking.
To set the CSR, you must know the old CSR. On a PDP-11 in hardware ODT
mode, type (assuming the CSR is 172150):
@17772150/ 000000 <LF>
@17772152/ 005400 77777 <CR>
* FT (gets you to the diagnostics)
The menu should take you from there. If you need more help, please ask and
I will look for the manual again.
Are you using a uVAX II? If so, I will try to find the manual.
Sincerely yours,
Jerome Fine