We've made some real progress on the SCSI to IDE/SD project (aka S2I). It is a
completely free/open source project entirely volunteer community project. By hobbyists
for hobbyists!
There have been many improvements and fixes found in the build and test that I've
incorporated into a second version of the hardware board. Many thanks to our friends at
SEBHC project. I estimate it will cost about $200 for another batch of
prototype/pre-production boards. So far we've raised about $50 thanks to help from
68kMLA friends.
We are constantly looking for additional developers. If you would like to help develop
the S2I project to support your particular application please contact me. In particular,
I would like to see development to support the very oldest SASI and/or SCSI-1 systems with
unique requirements. That would demonstrate the benefits of customization of a free/open
source project a commercial product never could/would support.
Also if you would be interested in sponsoring our next batch of boards please contact me.
Even small contributions would be greatly appreciated and help us toward a new set of
boards. I would really like to reduce the cost burden to the builders who are already
contributing their time and skills to help make this project available to everyone.
Even if you disagree with this particular implementation of a S2I bridge board, the
project is useful to the larger hobbyist community because it is creating valuable design
information and source code which can be used in subsequent follow on projects.
I have ideas for additional improvements and other applications but we have to get past
this initial board hurdle first. Like all the N8VEM projects, all the information
hardware, software, parts list, BOM, build instructions, photos, etc will be publicly
posted and freely available to anyone.
S2I is the only free/open source SCSI to IDE/SD project I am know of that's gotten to
this stage. Please consider supporting this project.
If you would like additional information you can reach me at LYNCHAJ at
There is additional information on the S2I project at the N8VEM wiki
Discussion on the S2I project is on the N8VEM mailing list
Thank you in advance for your consideration. Have a nice day!
Andrew Lynch