I know this is off topic for the list, but you folks
are my best choice
for the kind of knowledge I'm after. :)
The task at hand is driving a 4" diameter vector CRT. _Any_ 4" vector CRT
What the heck is a 'vector CRT'? AFAIK such things don't exist. whether a
CRT displays 'vectors' (meaning you deflect the electron beam to a point,
turn it on, then move it along a line to display that line), or a
'raster' (meaning you scan out a series of lines and modulate the beam to
display an image) depends on the external circuitry, not the CRT itself.
Magnetically-deflected CRTs (like those in most monitors and TVs) are
generally easier to use to display a raster, but
electrostatically-deflected CRTs ('scopes, 'vector displays', etc) can be
used for either.
round CRT is needed for. It's my understanding
that it's possible to
drive a CRT like this "oscilloscope style". Where can I find out
Yes. It's alos possible to display a raster on it. In fact I've _seen_ a
good 'scope (with 2 timebases) be used to display a TV-rate image.
information on how to do this? Is there any kind of
black box that I can
buy or build that will allow me to feed an NTSC or VGA signal in one end
and get a correct vector signal out the other?
It's non-trivial to turn a raster image into an optimised vector image
(which would involve finding lines in the image, and then drawing them).
It's not as hard to make a framestore that outputs the 2 deflection
signals and intensity to drive a 'scope-like CRT in raster mode.
The problem with doing this is that you might not be able to get enough
intenstity out of the CRT to display a raster in a useable manner...