How about early modems, anyone collect them?
Not nearly as intensively as I'd like to (lack of space, for the most part), but I do
have one big old (originally Telco-rented) Siemens 1200 baud leased-line modem.
The usual couple of paperback-sized "modern" modems (up to 28.8 kbps, I think) -
they're one of those items where people always seem to misplace the wall warts and
that just as invariably don't state their power requirements on the case. Not oftenly
used but kept "just in case".
I've got a lead on some four-wire and X.25 ("frame relay"?) stuff from
University and just yesterday I got my second ADSL modem. What would it take to set up or
"simulate" their counterpart (DSLAM?) at home?
Concerning other phone stuff, I do have one relay-based master/slave (or is that
boss/secretary?) switch, one or two analog PBXen and one proprietary unit by Telenorma
(for which I don't have the displayphones you need at least one of for programming).
On the ISDN side, just two phones (one missing its local power supply too - duh), one or
two PC cards and an NTBA so far. You can't even make the two phones talk to each other
using just the NTBA (as long as you don't have ISDN service) afaik, so I'm looking
for an ISDN PBX as well (or some other suggestions how to have some fun with that stuff).
So long,
Arno Kletzander
Stud. Hilfskraft Informatik Sammlung Erlangen
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