On May 28, 2014, at 11:15 AM, Robert Ferguson wrote:
Does anyone have a copy of the original ?Macintosh
Basic? that they?d be willing to share?
What I?m looking for is the version of Basic that was written by Donn Denman et al. at
Apple in 1985 or so ? have a look at
http://www.folklore.org/StoryView.py?story=MacBasic.txt if you don't know the story.
Beta copies were widely available in the user-group community at the time, but Apple
?cancelled" the project before it officially shipped; I recall having a copy myself
in early 1985, but I can?t find the disk.
I?ve done some searching online, but it appears not to be available in the usual places.
I believe I do... I have the floppies that came with the book (as well as the book). I
don't recall if I already imaged them or not. I'll have to hunt.
Once I hunt down the images (or image them), I'll also be sending them to the Internet
Archive (thanks, Jason!).
- Dave