Stupid question but do those films (8" or 12") have sound on them
I am puzzled by your reference to 8" and 12" here....
like a track or are they purely video slides in a row?
(I've really
never seen them up close so hollywood is my only incorrect knowledge of
how it looks).
AFIAK 16mm cien fil could have ewither na opticla soundtrack or a
magnetic one. In the fortmer case, the ausio signal modualted a light
source which produced a variable width or density track o nthe film.
After processing this was read using a kamp an photocell, the signal fro
mthe ltter was the original audio. Or a magnetic soundtrakc, an iron
oxide 'stripe' down the film which works like a tape recorder.
Super-8 8mm film could have a magnetic soundtrack (I have never heard of
opticla sound on such films). I have also never heard of any soundtrack
on standard 8 ('double run 8(') or single-8 film.
There is aslight techncial problem in that the film moves in jerks (each
frame is held i nthe projector gate for projection, then the next one is
moved into possition), whereas the sound recording needs a steady motion.
The solutuion is the obvious one, Adter goinging throug hte projector
gate there is a loop of film, the otuput side of that lopp is then moved
at cosntant speed past the audio reproduction device. The loop acts as a
'buffer' between intermittant and continuos motion.