From: "Hills, Paul"
That's a lot - it's not really a vintage machine, nor a particularly rare
one. I still use mine as a MC56000 Digital Signal Processing (DSP) testbed.
At the time, the ?500 I paid for it was a quarter of what I would have had
to pay to get a DSP experimentation card for a PC, and since I didn't have a
PC at the time it was a bargain.
In addition to that, I wrote a series of articles about DSP for the ST
Format magazine in the UK, for which they paid me ?500, recompensing the
computer's cost! Ha!
For my DSP experiments, I got one of those "SoftModems".
It had a A/D-D/A, ADSP2100 Analog Devices DSP and RAM to load
the programs into. It only cost me $75 when new.