2. Submission & storage: UUEncoded image file
e-mailed to "repository";
ROM/EPROM chips sent by snail mail and returned. All submissions should have
as much info about the source computer as possible
(board revisions, date of
mnaufacture, etc.)
>I think that anything doing with the chips
(purchasing, programming,
>shipping) should be left to the person that needs them. Sure, not very
>many people on the list have programmers, but there are enough kind souls
>that would do the programming. Anyway, having a policy concerning
>shipping and supply may turn into a big headache.
I don't think that this would be a problem. I don't anticipate that many
people would want it this way (we are all hardware hackers {in the nice
sense}, after all). Even so, as long as a person doesn't want Fedex delivery,
how bad can it be??
4. Cost: nominal (cost of postage and EPROM).
>Doing any more may actually be legally shakey.
I don't think so. See one of my earlier messages on this topic. If you're
posting a ROMimage, you have already "paid" your licensing fee because you own
the machine. I'm just replacing a defective copy with a working copy (sort of
like exchanging a defective diskette dor a working one). We're not
or "copying" for distribution. Also, we can limit it to pre-PC machines.
Chances are that these manufacturers are either out of business or no longer
support the machine.
>Additional thought...
>How will additional required information be tied to the ROM images (as in
>manufacturers part numbers, revision levels, serial numbers,
>corresponding hardware information, etc.)? ROMS (and PALs) often change
>as the circuits get minor "improvements" (ECOs).
I don't know yet. I'm grappling with this now. There are all sorts of issues
with this: parts are house numbered, or not numbered at all. Maybe we can go
by unit serial number, date-of-manufacture stickers, and pc-board
identifications (such as "Revision A" or the like).
Rich Cini/WUGNET
- ClubWin Charter Member (6)
- MCPS Windows 95/Netowrking