In a message dated Thu, 26 Jul 2001 10:12:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time, "Clint Wolff
(VAX collector)" <vaxman(a)> writes:
A point to ponder... Would it be okay for someone to
enter your house
and poke around in your closets? Watch your home movies on your VCR?
A point for you to ponder.. There is no such thing as complete security on your computer.
You can't do it unless you never turn it on. Since that is true, realisticly I would
much rather have someone browse than break/crack/destroy. Thats my only point. Stopping
everyone from hacking would be like stopping everyone from speeding - just can't be
PS Why do you think a FAX is equivalent to a billboard? It is a
lot easier to break into an etailer's computer and steal the
whole database of customer information.
Couple real logical reasons for this.. What if you send the fax to the wrong place? Who
says how many people have access to walk by the fax machine with your credit card number
on it before it's delivered to who it needs to go to? I work in a company office with
only 50 other people and can't manage to get my faxes every time they're sent -
somehow they "get lost" between the machine and me - this would horrify me if I
were getting credit card numbers or account numbers, etc.. Who says the person delivering
your faxed numbers is an honest person? etc..
It's easier to break into a secure encrypted computer and get information than to walk
by a fax machine somewhere and grab some papers? NOT.