After over two years, I have finally completed converting scanned docs
for my BASICON MC-1N from JPEG (!) to ASCII and put up a small page
describing this somewhat obscure INS8073-based microcontroller. The
docs (posted _with_ permission) will probably be interesting to anyone
who is looking for information on the INS8073. There is, naturally, a
lot of material that relates specifically to the MC-1N and its memory
map and its on-board peripherals (an 8255 PPI and an MM58174A
clock/calendar), but the bulk of the manual is about NSC Tiny BASIC.
One of the motivations for finishing the docs was to better understand
the RB5X (INS8073 w/*3* 8255 PPIs and 8K of SRAM). The memory map may
be different, but that's trivial to transpose.
If anyone has any questions, stories, ideas, etc., for INS8073
projects, I'm interested, on-list or off-list.