On Dec 12 2005, 18:34, Wolfe, Julian wrote:
I was wondering if someone here could burn me copies
of the latest
(KDF11-BP?) roms for the M8189. They include the ability to boot
from MSCP
and TK50, and I could really use this ability on my 11/23+
Currently my system has the original roms on 2716s (the part on the
chips is
NM2716Q), and it's a real pain entering in the
boot strap every time.
You do realise that all the later (EP)ROMs (which are actually for a
microPDP-11/23, though it's the same CPU board) are 8Kx8 not 2Kx8 and
moreover they're an unusual type (MCM68766) that has 24 pins, not 28
pins like most 8Kx8 EPROMs?
If you can get suitable EPROMs, you need to move the link that connects
J23-J24 so it connects J22-J23 instead.
All microPDP-11/23 bootroms include an MSCP bootstrap. You only need
the latest ones (-BJ) if you really need to boot a TK50 (not just
read/write it). Do you do that often? Otherwise -BE or -BF are good
and common enough that you might find a set.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York