Subject: SCSI to IDE/SD Project
Have you considered doing this as a Kickstart Project?
I know I'd contribute if I could get a couple units...
I got a couple of ideas/suggestions from a person on CCTALK in response to
the S2I project.
Given the small amount I would like to raise to buy the 10 prototype PCB
boards ($150 max) I don't think it warrants the overhead of a Kickstarter
project. This is more of a "pass the hat" among friends/fellow hobbyists
sort of deal. I believe community support for S2I is essential. If you
support the idea of a free/open source SCSI to IDE/SD bridge board even if
this particular board is not for you please consider donating a small amount
for the builders to get PCBs to support the project.
Another idea is actually just buying one or more of the S2I PCBs. That
would be just fine. Each prototype PCB would be $20 each plus shipping
(typically $2 in the US and $5 elsewhere). You could support the project
and I will send you a PCB. You could even buy two PCBs, one for yourself
and another for a builder for build and test phase. Either way helps the
S2I project by making the prototype PCB manufacturing economically feasible.
Good ideas! Thank you! Have a nice day!
Andrew Lynch
PS, the topic of SCSI to IDE/SD has come up on CCTALK numerous times in the
past. I know this will be a more pressing issue as the remaining
SASI/SCSI-1 drives slowly fade away.