On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 3:22 PM, David Griffith <dgriffi at cs.csubak.edu> wrote:
I needed a new logic probe, so I found one on Ebay.
?Whoops, no audio output.
?Found plans for a "super probe" based on a
PIC16 (
http://members.cox.net/berniekm/super.html). ?Still need a case for this thing.
Very nice. I may have to make one of those. I don't have any
PIC16F870s lying about, but I know they aren't expensive. I
especially like the hack to only light one LED segment at a time to
simplify the circuit.
?Found that
kelvin.com has logic probe cases. ?Whee!
I'll have to wander on over for one of those, too.
Thanks for sharing this.