I have eight NOS seven segment displays in a 16 pin DIP package. These
displays have a glass cover and each of the segments have a wire running
between the two contacts. The only markings I see are "Japan" and
"3015-5" on the back and "C-27-09" on the side. My suspicion is that
they are incandescent but I haven't found any information on them yet
using Google. Does anyone know what these things are called?
The name 'minitron' seems to be floating in my brain for some reason...
They could well be incandescent. I've seen such devices in a 16 pin DIL
package, in a smaller package with 9 socket contacts on the back arranged
like a miniature DE9 connector (those are used in the ICL Temiprinters
for the column display, for example), and in a wire-ended valve-shaped