And that's exactly why I think it's a
poor choice. You can't
_really_ understnad what goes on inside those blocks....
But you don't need to when you're starting out.
No, but you might well wnat to a couple of <time_units> in the future.
And then find there's no way that you can.
Why get bogged down with the intricasies of a board full of TTL when all you
need to know is how to drive it?
This reminds me of the well-known comment 'The problem with linux is that
you have to learn how to recompile the kernel'. My reply to that is 'No,
you _can_ recompile the kernel if you want to, but you don''t _have_ to.
The supplied one works fine'.
So to go back to your comment, even if the processor is a big board of
TTL, you don't _have_ to understnad it, or look at the schematic, or
anything if you don't want to. You can treat it as a black box and write
programs for it. A board of TTL can have the same wort of user- or
programmer- level description as a custom chip. But if you want to get
inside, you can.
Anyway, we have no idea waht the OP's kid wants to do :-)
I suppose what I'm saying is you need to keep things fairly simple to start
with (but not *TOO* simple). Getting the balance right is tricky....
Indeed it is. And my experience (possibly biased by the fact that I was
a hardware hacker before I even saw a computer) is that most
beginner-level books _are_ over-simplified.