Quothe Zane H. Healy, from writings of Tue, May 07, 2002 at 01:46:28PM -0700:
There are others, I can think of a couple whose names
I can't remember at
the moment. One in particular was a MS employee who left early on because
of the hostility he experienced.
Like many of us, I like hardware and software hacking; the evil
empire, a.k.a. Micro$oft and friends, oppose not only hardware and
software hacking, but reliable computer software, open source software
and free software. In order for us to continue to maintain, preserve,
restore and make full use of classic computer systems, we need to hack
hardware, hack software in source code format, and have dependable
computer systems to use to help us with our efforts. That having been
said, the following also needs to be said:
What's wrong with someone from Micro$oft going away from this list?
It's my guess that he was afraid that the list would interfere with
his pro-Micro$oft brainwashing, or, perhaps he feared that a
cow-orker, or supervisory biz'droid, at Micro$oft would find that he
was receiving anti-micro$oft e-mail.
It appears, at first glance anyway, that most of the uproar in this
thread is a result of Micro$oft lusers being upset over the criticism
of their broken-by-design software and operating systems. Micro$oft
doesn't own the 'net, or the world, and if it, or its 'droids, can't
take the well deserved criticism, that's their problem. Micro$oft
might own Little Georgie "I love religious warfare, so praise Jesus,
pass the ammunition and don't break up the Micro$oft monopoly!" Bush's
administration, or so it appears; however, Micro$oft doesn't own the
U.S. or any other nation, despite it's apparent megalomania.
Copyright (C) 2001 R. D. Davis The difference between humans & other animals:
All Rights Reserved an unnatural belief that we're above Nature &
rdd(a)rddavis.org 410-744-4900 her other creatures, using dogma to justify such
http://www.rddavis.org beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.