I have found a reference which has some rules for
roman numerals.
Any reference identification ?
Firstly, four of a given numeral is okay, but five or
more is
not. This allows VIIII to be valid.
Depending on the source - the quad form (up to 4 repeeted
Numerals) is only valid in a context where the subtraction
rule is _not_ allowed
You must use the largest numeral at a given stage, so
for 15,
you don't write VVV, you write XV.
Numerals of a lower value, when written in front of a
valued numeral subtract their value from the higher valued
Further rules for the subtraction:
o Only I X and C can be used in this way. V, L and D
cannot (nor can M)
maybe check
where this rule described diferently - also his
second rule is confusing.
o Only one smaller numeral can be written first. So
XIIX is not valid for 18.
debending on the context again, there are examples of historic
usage of this form - althrough all rules/frameworks of rules I
know also prohibit this.
o The lower numeral must be no less than a tenth of
value of the higher numeral.
I'm still missing this rule
o It specifically states that each power of ten is
separately, and uses the example that 49 is NOT IL, it is
correctly XLIX.
Check maybe
It is discusion for typographic usage (and in German, but the
point should be easy to get).
Always remember, The roman system was made to save space - engraving
less strokes is important (good examples are always coins and officia
letters - or can you dechipher IMP CAES PONT MAX TR P C P P ? (*))
One thing to add: the Rule where 4 adjouning Numerals are prohibited
wasn't hard until the 6th century (maybe it didnt exist ?).
(*) Imperator Caesar Ponifex Maximus Tribunicia Potestate Consul Pater Patriae
as found on very common Augustus (Octavius) denars - and to enhance the
task, the letters are not as nice seperated as I have written them :)
Also nice page at
They did almost the same as we - just the problem discription was a bit better.
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