I picked up an HX-20 years ago, and have finally some time to play with it.
I have a couple questions that perhaps one of you others out there with an
HX-20 could answer.
HX-20 Background:
Cream Color, Cassette Module, NO 16K expansion, HP HEDS-3000 barcode
reader, barcode ROM installed, labeled in Pen BARCODE Z.
Everything seems to work fine. I am trying to get the BARCODE ROM loaded. I
have read all the EPSON docs on their support site. Have not been able to
locate a BASIC tutorial online though.
1) Should the installed ROM (NOT a module but inside the HX-20) show up
automagically in the menu?
I think not. I think it adds extra facilities to BASIC -- either as an
extra 'device' that you can OPEN a stream to, or as a set of routins to
CALL. I don;t know which.
2) If not, how to I go about loading it into memory?
3) Thoughts on the easiest way to interface the HX-20 to a Win box or
anyone tried a terminal program and a Palm?
I can't help with the Windows end, but the 8 pin DIN connector on the back
of the HX20 is a RS232 port with a fairly sane pinout (I can look it up
if it's not in any of the manuals you have). That could be linked (with a
suitably-wired null modem cable) to the serial port on a PC.