I've got a few working Cromemcos and could check
them out for ya, although
Dave D is probably better qualified since he wrote ImageDisk.
Doc sent me a few test images, and I was able to make disks with ImageDisk
and boot them on the Cromemco no problem, so it looks like we are a go.
I've also got various Cromemco and third-party S/W
packages for the
Z80/68000/68010/68020 and Unix systems; will post a list one of these days.
However, I've been archiving them as MS format ZIP files instead of disk images;
that way it doesn't matter whether you've got 5" or 8" disks (also, I
only had some
of them on hard disks). Mind you, you would need a way to copy them back from
MS to CDOS/Cromix/Unix format and of course you'd still need a boot disk
for each O/S.
It would be nice to get this material archived, however it will be tough for most
people to make use of it. Would it be feasable to make up boot disks with the
utilities necessary to peform serial transfers, and provide ImageDisk images
of these which could be used to download the remaining software from the PC
into the target system?
dave04a (at) Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools:
com Collector of vintage computing equipment: