Thanks Tony. Of course I am just teasing you since I
have seen previous
postings where you scold folks for randomly swapping parts without a plan.
YEs, and I still do :-).
I fully understand and appreciate that.
Fortunately, as I said, it is unlikely that a good CRT would be amaged by
putting it into siad terminal. It's just that it takes a long time ot
swap it, and you're wasting the time if that's not the fault.
I said 'unlikely' to damage the new CRT. Actually, those all-glass pin
bases are somwaht fragile, and continually fitting and remvoig nthe
socket may damage a seal. I've ruined a few B7G andB99A (7 pin miniature
and Noval) vlaves over the years in this way. So it's best not to remvoe
the CRT without a good reason.
In this case, the CRT also had a large amount of burn-in so was highly
suspecious due to that alone. The only thing I liked about it was
Oh, I must have mis-read what you said. I thought you sid the CRT looked
that it was amber and all of my replacements are white
or green. But,
so goes it.
A white one and a colour filter :-)
The old CRT might take being boosted. It's unlikely, modern-ish CRETs
don;'t normally repsond too well, but if the CRT is dead anyway, you
can't make things much worse. BASically, over-run the heater as much as
you dare (15 or 18V) and apply a high votlage (a few hundred volts) with
a current limiting resisotr (a few mA) between the carthode and control
grid (grid +ve in this case). There ahve been designes for CRT boosters
in various magazines over the years, there are probably designs on the web.
The idea is to rip the top layer off the cathode, exposing better
emissive material. Problem is that modern cathodes don't have much left
if you try this. You may well end up with a CRT that gies no emission at all.
In any case, while going down this path I did discover
the lack of
documentation for the newer VT220 design and so wrapped the request for
I don't thing I've seen that one. The VT220s I've worked onhad all the
ICs in DIL packages. I do recall PLCC ICs in the VT3xx terminals, I
wonder if the design is similar ot one of thsoe.