I've seen a lot of model 33 Teletypes, and
I've never yet seen one that
IIRc, the Data Dynamics 390 was the mechamsim from a Model 33 ASR
(icluding keuyboard and reader, fitted into a new casing, and with new
electroncis. I think some versions of that had RS232 compatibility. But
of course it's not a true Model 33 and doesn't look like one.
One thing, though... There were Model 33s with modems in the stand. What
interface was used to said modem? Rs232 would be 'obvious' (and therefore
likely to be wrong :-))
is RS-232. They are almost all current loop. I
don't recall seeing any
mention of an RS-232 option in the manuals, although that may have
existed as a third-party modification.
As, of coruse did/do currnet loop <-> RS232 interfaces.