I've used my Mac SE (1988) online, but not in 1988!
I could put it
back online now if I dug the modem out of the bits box.
I used my Mac SE online in 1991 (or was it 1990... one of those two). I
used it to connect to CompuServe back then.
Not too long after I was using it to connect to Prodigy, although I gave
up on that VERY quickly, it performed like crap on the SE. I don't think
I even made it past Prodigy's trial period (I used it for maybe an hour
over the course of a week)
Then there was a break until maybe 93/94 when I used AOL, also originally
on the SE, but shortly there after on a Quadra 610.
Of course, prior to the SE and CompuServe in 1991, I was using a Mac Plus
on BBS systems (and before that an Apple II+ on BBS as well as the A2 on
CompuServe for a period of time... and on some Dow Jones thing I obtained
from school).
And of course, I'm sure all my stuff is WAY more modern then many others
on this list were doing.