Excellent coverage and thats some great work you are doing and an
important service to provide. It is amazing to think of how many
repositories of data are in existence and the original hardware to read
those pieces of media may no longer exist to access them. Just think of
what may be contained in places such as Iron Mountain and that someday
something will be opened and examined and no one will be able to read the
tapes or disks or what have you because the needed TU58, Shugart 8", Punch
Card Reader and any other form of data access device just isn't around in
the common market for people to access to utilitize. Plus you got a nice
plug in for VCF 5.0 which sure doesn't hurt!!! :-)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sellam Ismail" <foo(a)>
To: "Classic Computers Mailing List" <cctalk(a)>
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 7:29 PM
Subject: Wired story on VCF 5.0
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
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