On Sun, Apr 09, 2000 at 03:24:06PM -0400, allisonp wrote:
All H-89's
were sold in kit form. The H-88 is another story. These were
early all in one computers and did have 8080 CPU's in the beginning. Most
H-88 units were upgrades to the H-19 terminals.
Wrong! the H88 was the diskless version of the h89 and was z80. The h8x
were all z80. The basic design was H19 terminal with an additional Z80
based card (with peripherals on ad in cards).
Which part is wrong, that it's an upgrade from the H19, or that it's
substantially different from the H89? I'm pretty sure I remember Heath
selling an H19-to-H89 upgrade kit, but I dunno where the H88 fits in.
John Wilson
D Bit