Here's a rough list of what's on the board:
Part no 1140 68 10-00
AY-5-1013 40 pin dip (cpu?)
That's a dumb UART. Dumb meaning it doesn't need a microprocessor to
control it, there are seprarte sets of pins for the transmit and receive
parallel chracters, pins ot set the word length, parity, etc.
MC14411P 24 pin dip (uart?)
Baud rate generator.
1489 line driver
Receiver, actually, It'll take the RS232 input and turn it into TTL levels.
27 assorted 7400 series
Various discretes, including 17 large transistors/regulators
8 wire jumpers labelled 1-8
Wire jumper labelled ERR
Place for wire jumper labelled TL
TL probably means 'tape low'. This is detected by a reed swtich and
magnet, and this jumper might bring that signal out to an RS232 pin or
Large chrome toggle switch labelled SER/PAR/SERIAL
card edge (missed the labeling on this earlier)
DB25 on card edge
8-switch dip pack labelled bit1-bit8 error code
IIRC these Facit serial board have the festure that if they detect an
error (parity, framing, etc) on the incoming character, they then punch a
special 'error code character' in place of it. I susepct these switches
set what that character is
4-switch dip pack unlabelled
I really can't help with that one.
5-switch dip pack labelled with baud rates 75-600
I suspect you can only have one switch turned on at a time. It'll select
the appropriate output from the baud rate generator. Note that 600 baud ~
60 characters/second. Since the Facit 4070 is rated to punch 75cps, it'll
keep up with a 600 baud data stream without needing any flow control.
That's why there aren't settings for faster baud rates here.
8-switch dip pack labelled as follows:
Maybe eneable parity checking on the incoming data stream
2. 1STOP
Number of stop bits (1 or 2)
3. NB 2
4. NB 1
Number of data bits (5..8)
Maybe odd.even parity select for the incoming parity check.
I usspect those 5 switchs go to pins on the UART, possibly with minimal
logic in between, but most likely not. It'd be worth tracing them and
getting a data sheet on any of the dumb 40 pin UARTs (there are all much
the same!) and see what the switches control
6. BIT 8
7. / EVEN
8. \ ODD
I suepct those are interrelated, and set what will be punched in track 8
of the tape. Either incoming it 8 (which is what you most likely want) or
odd/even parity _generated_ from the other 7 its.
Chip dates are mostly 1978.
The toggle switch, error code and baud rate stuff is all obvious. I can
figure out parity and 1stop by trial and error. For the rest I could
use some clues.
Am I correct tyhat this board is in the lower slot of the 4070 and that
there's the normal punch control board in the top slot?