Once upon a midnight dreary, Chuck McManis had spoken clearly:
>At 03:28 PM 5/3/99 -0400, Tim wrote:
>>"Biddy Biddy? Biddy Biddy?" IIRC, this is Martian for
>>Ready" during a game of Asteroids. Do I remember correctly?
>I believe you are confusing it with the only "dialog" given to the midget
>in the robot suit in the ill fated series "Buck Rogers in the 25th
>Century", which I only watched religously so that I could stare at Darin
>Grey (sp?) in those form fitting jump suits.
Erm, not quite. Twiggy said "Diggy-Diggy,"
and IIRC, they actually gave him
other non-word tidbits occasionally, but by the time I finally got the
Sci-Fi channel, they've quit playing it.
I think you're right. I distinctly remember (must've been 1982 or so)
an Atari commercial with a family of aliens playing Asteroids on their
2600 when the mom comes in and tries to get them to eat by saying
"Biddy Biddy? Biddy Biddy?". When was the Buck Rogers series
originally on?