On Mon, 2006-02-06 21:58:22 -0800, Don North <ak6dn at mindspring.com> wrote:
Anyone in the Ann Arbor, Michigan area (or beyond),
that is interested
in an old boat-anchor of a VAX? I have a VAX 8250 with a TU81, and six
RA81?s. If you want it, you pick it up, no shipping, no exceptions
unless you pay 100% of shipping and packaging. If there isn?t any
interest between now and my next return visit to Saline, it?s being
shipped to the VAX scrap heap in the sky.
I might be interested in the card cage's contents, but i don't have a
8000, so I couldn't (yet) make use out of it.
Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw at lug-owl.de . +49-172-7608481 _ O _
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