Well this week is not starting off as well as last week: items that were free:
commodore 1541-II disk drive, flat C64 computer with a Epyz Fast Load
cartridge still in it, Power supply for 1541-11,1571-II, or 1581; old metal
transfer box for the apple from inmac it's blue/black metal; various
appletalk cables; Hayes 1200 baud ext modem with power supply. Purchased the
following items: HP utility disk for print srceen on the IBM PC/XT boxes for
LaserJet and ThinkJet units; C16 ower's manual; apple mac book by Cary Lu;
and last a copy of PC DISK Magazine with the manual 5 1/4 disk other items
that were mailed with it, it si Vol 1 No 4 sold for $29.95 cost me $3.50.
Well that's it for today hope to hit 3 more shoes tomorrow. Keep computing !!
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The show I was working on turned out pretty well. I got to meet a lot of
people as well as a couple looking to get rid of their older computers. One
gentleman I talked with had an older CompuPro to get rid of so I picked it
up Sunday. Although the case has no model no. on the front, it looks like
one of the 8/16 and came with the main box, disk drives, HD, open frame
monitor, and a Heathkit H-25 printer along with disks and documentation.
It was really fun to meet all the people that were familar with the classic
computers! It looks like we even got several that may start coming to our