--- Joachim Thiemann <joachim.thiemann at gmail.com> w
**>> snip <<**
(*) This may be due to the fact that I mostly used
Trackers before
leaping into MIDI. OctaMED is a heck of a great
program, and a good
enough reason to keep my Amiga up and running.
OctaMED :)
I tried various pieces of music software on
the Amiga including Music Mouse (great idea,
but you need Deluxe Music Construction Set
to save the music! - I have it now too, BTW),
Tracker and a few others.
Teijo Kinnunens OctaMED was by far the
easiest to use, for me atleast. I have only
composed 2 songs so far (using the score
sheet window - I have the tracker style code
mode, despite being the only way to add
special effects).
The first was rubbish (seriously), but the 2nd
was very good and only took 2 hours to
compose. It only last's 1 min 30 secs and is
"played" on the Bamboo Zylaphone. I called
it "Jungle Beat".
Teijo's 2 demo pieces of music that
acompanied OctaMED 5 (the version I use)
were awesome. Is he still in the music scene
OctaMED became OctaMED Sound Studio
(which I have the demo of somewhere) but
I wasn't keen on it.
Andrew D. Burton
aliensrcooluk at yahoo.co.uk