Find the 8284a
(82284 in the AT) timer chip in the PC. When pin 11 is
shorted to ground momentarily it will start the reset process. Also
shorting the "power good" line from the power supply will do the same
thing. The power good pin is supposed to be P8-1.
I recall at one time having an original IBM PC/AT with a reset switch
wired to ground the "power good" line. It worked fine, and was still
working when I got rid of it ... I don't know if all power supplies
would tolerate this - might be a good idea to put a small resistor in
series with the PS output so that you are not shorting it directly.
Oh Yeah, Muellers book did suggest a small resisiter.... 1/4 watt
between 1K ohms and 2.7K ohms.
Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA