From Andrew Lynch:
I searched around a bit and found SDRIVE.SYS which
refuses to
acknowledge any of the other FDCs I place in the computer at the
secondary address (IO address $170).
I/O port 0170H refers to the secondary *hard drive* address (the
primary being 01f0H). The secondary FDC address is 037xH (the
primary is 03FxH).
Let me look around--I've got several old MS-DOS secondary port
drivers kicking around here.
A word of warning, however. For a secondary controller using the
same DMA and IRQ (2 and 6) as the primary, the primary needs to have
implemented the "enable" bit at I/O port 03F2H so it can float its
own DMA and IRQ lines when the secondary controller is active. Not
all controllers will do this, even though it's documented as part of
the standard PC architecture.
If you want to check out the operation of your secondary controller,
hook a drive to it and find copy of FORMATQM or COPYQM (or 22DISK...)
and set up a DISKETTE.CFG file for it to use.
In the meantime, I'll look for a good driver.