I have an Altos 886... have had it for some time...
unfortunately the hd doesn't access
I'm looking for the diag? disk (with low level formatter) and OS floppies.
Back when I got it, Acer referred me to a company supporting the old boxes.
When they quoted me for a set of OS disks, I laughed at them (in my head).
Now I'm wishing I had paid the money... but I didn't deem it worth while
for a hobby/toy machine at the time...
Now, all the companies that supported this stuff (that Acer has info on) are
either out of business or haven't supported those boxes in ages (and have
since disposed of all the material).
I did find someone on another mailing list I am on who had one of these
and the disks (and was fairly local to me), but before we ever could close
the loop on any of this... his e-mail address (work addr) started bouncing
as not a valid address... and he appears to have never rejoined that
list with
any other address..... (2nd miss on getting an OS for this old box).
So.... anyone got an OS and/or diag diskette(s) for an Altos 886 ?
(My best research so far seems to indicate that this box has a Xenix unique
to itself (886 model only), and last ran Xenix 3.2f ?)
-- Curt
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