LordTyran <a2k(a)one.net> wrote:
I'm watching Pirates of Silicon Valley on TNT
right now (yes, I'm so lame
I have my computer in front of the television) and Bill Gates is working
on a box... the dialogue infers that it is supposed to by an Altair,
but it's just a big box with four blinking lights (alternates - 2 red,
2 green) and reading paper tape.... next scene he's working on a PDP-8/?
(I I think, but I'm not up on my PDPs... not so much working on it as
having the machine open on his table... no soldering iron, manuals,
cards... I could have made the scene a lot better with the stuff in my
Most of the early compilers and assemblers ran on something
other than a 8080 based machine. They would cross compile
and make paper tape. This would then be read into the 8080
machine. So, in reality, the may be more realistic than you'd