At 04:57 PM 4/25/99 -0700, you wrote:
Just kidding,
but I am looking for some info. I found a good condition 128K
Mac at a sale today, with most of the original packaging and materials. I'd
If it says 128k, its not the first Macintosh, which was just labeled
Macintosh. The 128k marking didn't come out until later models were
released to differentiate it.
My original post may have been misleading. It just says "Macintosh" on
back of the case. I'm assuming that it's a 128K Mac because: it has a 400K
floppy drive, no hard drive port on the back, and all of the system
software (Finder, MacWrite, MacPaint) is version 1.0, dated early in 1984.
Also, all of the accompanying documentation seems to be from the original
issue. There's a "limited time" subscription offer to a brand new magazine
called MacWorld - think they'll still honour it?
How can I check the memory capacity, to see if it's a 128K or a 512K Fat
Mac? I'm not that familiar with Macs.