This Trainer was called the Dyna-Micro
Here is the Memory allocation:
Hi Lo
000 000 \
Key Prom
000 377 /
001 000 \
Optional ROM
002 377 /
002 000 \
Optional R/W Memory
003 377 /
003 000 \
R/W Memory
003 377 /
004 000 \
Available for user expansion
377 377
Will post more later
Does anyone knows where I can find a 1702 programmed with KEX?
Visit the Sanctuary at:
-----Original Message-----
From: Glenn Roberts <groberts(a)>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Wednesday, April 15, 1998 9:12 PM
Subject: 8080 Trainer - more info
Tony Duell originally asked this but the group may be
interested. The MMD1
8080 trainer was based on a design by Jonathan Titus and Company (Tychon
Inc.) and was apparently described in a series of articles in the May-July
1976 Radio Electronics, however it is also described in "The 8080a
a Howard Sams book (ISBN 0-672-21447-4), 1977.
Tony: the two ROM sockets are for 1702 ROMS. The very simple but efficient
monitor, called KEX for "Keyboard Executive", easily fits in the 256 byte
space of one of these, leaving ROM socket 1 for "expansion".
I don't have access to the original articles on this unit but it was easy
enough to reverse engineer the assembly listing of KEX, below. I'd give
y'all instructions on using the monitor but that would take the fun out of
reading the source listing! i've also stuck the HEX file at the end of the
listing. have fun!