On Mon, 22 Dec 2003, Zane H. Healy wrote:
I've got a
copy of Unix Wprowadzenie that I'd like to find a good home
for. I don't read Polish, but it looks like this is a book about Unix
basics? It's an O'Reilly book and the cover has an owl on it. The ISBN
is 83-7197-672-0.
Amazon.com comes up empty on that.
If you can figure out which O'Reilly book has an Owl on it, you should be
able to figure out what book it is....
I tried...
Actually I just pulled my old copy of "sed &
awk" off the shelf and flipped
through the back of it. It looks like you probably have a Polish copy of
"Learning the UNIX Operating System".
That sounds like the one.
And, no, I don't want it :^)
It would make a nice Christmas gift for someone learning Polish ;)
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