Keep in mind this is not a hobbyist replacement product, but a high-end
industrial replacement.
This means the demands and regulations the emulator has to met with, are
much higher then a hobbyist or consumer product.
So the cost of developement and support are much higher then the former.
Datex has mostly industrial or profesional customers, who will pay the price
they ask for a product like this.
If you got a radar or guidance system or industrial computer, witch need a
replacement for its 'obsolete' 8 inch drive, you're not going to make this
your self, but call a firm like Datex or Strobedata
( to fix it.
And you pay the price they ask .............
And the after 10 or 15 years, it's finding its way to epay or a surplus
market and ............
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: cctalk-bounces at
[mailto:cctalk-bounces at] Namens Marcus Bennett
Verzonden: donderdag 7 mei 2009 10:49
Aan: cctalk at
Onderwerp: Datex floppy drive emulator - flash based
replacement for magnetic media
Regarding Datex.
My initial elation at finally finding a drop in, commercially
available solid state replacement floppy or MFM hard disk
emulator, was like everybody else shorted out when I saw the prices.
I have commented on this before in this forum.
And, as before I'll comment that I maintain a listing of all
such products.
It is here:
If you think the Datex floppy emulator is expensive, just
ask for a quote on the MFM hard drive emulator :-(
In summary, Datex claims to have a floppy and MFM hard disk
emulator but due to reasons of cost I've never been able to
contact anybody who actually had one.
Many other Floppy disk and even some MFM hard drive emulators
are out there as enthusiast builds, but are generally not
available, or are not drop in replacements, or only support
particular hardware e.g. Commodore Amiga.
All ends up in a lot of frustration if you ask me! I am not
sure which is more evil: posting up a device that does just
what I want (but I can't buy), or one that I can buy (but I
can't afford).
regards marcus b.