Subject: OS/9 and software for the 6809 (was RE: trying to design my firstmicro- looking
for "prior art")
From: "Robert Armstrong" <bob at>
Date: Sat, 03 Dec 2005 10:12:31 -0800
To: "'General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts'" <cctalk
compoobah at wrote:
Sounds like I'm back with 6809 as being
easier to work with.
I'll sit down with what I've got here and see what I can come
up with (I'm more interested in designing than just having a
"soldering skills test").
I love fooling around with old microprocessors too, but one of my issues
is that I hate writing software for them. After I get all the hardware
built, I'm kind of stuck with the question "Now what???" Toggling in
LED blinking programs and things like that gets old pretty fast. That's one
reason I picked the 6120 - OS/8 and related stuff is readily available on
the Internet - and the Elf - there's lots of original Elf software around,
plus Mike Riley did a great job writing a real disk OS for it.
I know there was at one time an OS/9 for the 6809 - does anybody know the
status of that today? Is there other software for the 6809 floating around
these days?
Of course, you may not share my hangups about writing software ...
Scan down to homebrew and 6809. Dave did both a simple 6809 and a full up
OS and supporting tools including a simulator so you can drive it now.
the think I liked most is the kernel is 8k and the sources are there
as well as decent docs.
OS9 seems to be tied to existing hardware like coco and I'm not sure sources
are out there as free.