I guess there are more people on the list who have a
PDP-11/44 with a dull panel, that would like to make the /44
more sexy with an 'appropriate' panel. The "upgrade" is,
of course, done in such a way that it can be undone ...
I (we) do not have a /74 panel :-(
Well Henk, at least, you HAVE PDPs with a "lights and switches" console.
Please think of those (I'm part of them!) who are eager to get one. 11/24 or 11/73s
are nice, but unfortunately not the same. Today, it's almost impossible to get
one...if you
don't consider the possibility of buying one for a 1000$. THAT'S definitely the
case for
students like me.
... 11/74s are really cool! Thanks for that nice picture, Tim.
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