So I should offer the guy something like 10 bucks for
it and then offer it
to the list for like 30 or, that way I can make some money to send to VISA
and someone who loves Macs will be happy and it won't get junked, in other
words. Please don't flame me for wanting to profit, but I'm seriously broke
and need to pay Chris Kennedy/Visa/my parents/go to college/get gas/fix my
power steering/pay J. Darren Petersen/etc. I think a $20 profit is fair, as
I already spent time finding it, gas getting there, and would spend money
obtaining it as well. Thoughts?
Yes... if you can snag it for $10, and small profit is worth you time,
then by all means, do it.
And if it works and/or is relatively complete, let me know... I'll buy it
from you.
My overall point before wasn't that you should NOT buy one, just that you
should not pay a high price expecting that you will get an even higher
price for it later... but if you can get it cheap (like $10), you can be
assured you will get some kind of profit on it. There is nothing wrong
with making a profit on things... I just didn't want you to get burned
thinking that the MacTV was going to get Lisa 1 like prices, and so you
ran out and paid $100 for one expecting to resell it for $1,000.