From: "Alberto Rubinelli - A2 Sistemi"
<alberto at>
I'm thinking about some protection circuit, because the switching try to
startup, for a time less then half second, and then stop. Now I can try to
check il any protection become active during startup.
The SG3524 il correctly powered and try to fire up the switching
transistors, via the pulse transformer, but only for a short time.
Hi Alberto
One thing that I've seen on some switchers is something that
watches to see if the transformer/coil core saturates.
It is a simple coil that picks up the stray magnetic fields
when the coil is overloaded( that often causes
the blowout current in the switching transistor ). One
has this detection circuit clamp the gate voltage to the
switching transistor when it see excess leakage flux. It
works better than a simple current detect because it self
compensates for the cores temperature.
If there is a current overload, it will keep the circuit
from powering up. One could put a LED on it to visually
detect the condition.