I recall my family's first transistor radio--a
Automatic. Metal chassis construction with point-to-point wiring
with each transistor in a socket. Oddly, much larger than a
Some of the early transistor radiops in the UK were built a bit like that
(althoguh more often with the transsitors soldered to feed-throughs ont
he metal chassis..
I've also seen at least oen device (IIRC some kind of signal tracing
amplifier) were the R's and C's were in a potted module but the
transsitors were soldered to pins coming out of it (and thus could be
individually replaed). Wether the early transsitors were that unreliable,
or whethter the designers were just worried the might bem I don't know.
Motorola Pixie tube radio.
To get back to classic computing, I am somewhat amused by the fact that
the HP9810 is a larger machine than the HP9100, even though the former
uses ICs and has fewer standard functiuons than the latter (which is all
discrtete transsotors apart from 8 op-amps in the card reader).
Sitting on my kitchen counter for use as an emergency
radio, I have
an 60's era Sony 10 transistor AM-FM set. Has worked every time I've
turned it on. Takes 3 D-sized cells and is very sensitive.
I've always liked the Hacker (seriously, that was the company name) RP18.
Separate AM and FM tuners and IF strips feeding a common audio amplidier
giving a genuine 1.5W (RMS) into a decent-sized speaker. Many are still
working over 40 years after they were made.