Yes, I've got experience with Linux. Email me at
-----Original Message-----
From: Hotze [SMTP:photze@batelco.com.bh]
Sent: Friday, December 05, 1997 9:49 AM
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Subject: Interest In Unix
<< File: ATT00000.htm >> Season's greetings! I have just gotten
interested in Linux, (so, it's not truly classic content, but it's
implementations are); and I was wondering if anyone here has experience
with this kind of thing.... any Linux experience at all. (Sorry for the
decipful headline)
And I know that it makes me look like an idiot; but possilby if someone
could transmit some good newsgroups. People have said time and time again
that there are betternewsgroups where we can put all of our "modern"
questions. Possibly, that could be included in the FAQ. (Or NAQ)
Tim D. Hotze
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