it isn't scsi. First of all it is a Pro-Log STD bus card. The card is an
analog to digital and digital to analog convertor. The ad667 chips are 12
multiplying digital to analog convertors which gives you four analog
outputs for the board. I couldn't make out the Burr-Brown part numbers, but
I suspect that they are sample and hold amplifiers or analog switches that
take eight analog inputs and presents them to the TSC800 chip which is a 15
bit analog to digital converter. Just a guess anyway...
best regards, Steve Thatcher
At 08:32 PM 09/08/2004, you wrote:
I have a mystery card to identify within a pile of
miscellaneous cards
acquired recently. On the card is printed "DAD-48 Computer Dynamics, Inc.
1985." The cable jack is a 50-pin female. I am having trouble locating
specifics on the web, and I have looked everywhere. Where might one use
this card? Is it PCI SCSI?
A picture is worth a thousand words. Here is a page I put up with some
Thanks in advance.
Wilmington, Delaware