Way off topic, sorry, just couldn't resist.
News from our fellow IT industry workers in
Russia: The chinese have invented a disk drive
that allows you to write an infinite amount of
data to it! Discovered by a Russian engineer. Be
sure to click the 2nd picture for a close-up look
at this amazing new technology.
298 . [Literature] The secret to success as a
short story writer is to find the guy who built
Kuttner's (and later Silverberg's) water-cooled typewriter :) --Ahasuerus
NEW: a50mhzham at
gmail.com ? N9QQB (amateur radio)
"HEY YOU" (loud shouting) ? Second Tops (Set Dancing) ? FIND ME ON FACEBOOK
43? 7' 17.2" N by 88? 6' 28.9" W ? Elevation 815' ? Grid Square
LAN/Telecom Analyst ? Open-source Dude ? Musician
? Registered Linux User 385531