On 9 April 2014 02:29, Jules Richardson <jules.richardson99 at gmail.com> wrote:
For that kind of price it might have been economical
for me to just pay you
to ship it here to me in the US :) I've not managed to locate one on this
side of the Atlantic yet.
Well quite, but mostly people don't bid. I have lost count of the
number of messages I've got from people saying "oh I'd have had that
but I [didn't see it|don't do eBay|missed your post somehow|thought
shipping would be too much]" etc. It is really getting me down.
I'm not doing this for fun. I am moving countries; it will cost me
lots to store this stuff and I'd rather sell it for 1p than throw it
in the bin, but still, I do need money - my total earnings for 2014 so
far are ?150 - and it's a real downer to see stuff people would pay
2000x as much for go unbidden-upon.
My thanks to Roger for bunging me an extra ?4 on top of shipping!
Liam Proven * Profile:
Email: lproven at cix.co.uk * GMail/G+/Twitter/Flickr/Facebook: lproven
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Tel: +44 20-8685-0498 * Cell: +44 7939-087884