Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2007 23:49:13 -0700
From: woodelf <bfranchuk at>
Subject: Re: Why blinkenlights ?
M H Stein wrote:
> ---------------
> I don't think that's the kind of micro he meant; my AIM65s had a
> full keyboard and alphanumeric display in '79 (AND an onboard
Did the AIM65's run any software?
The Z80 was a S-100 design, but the lack of a good
power supply was my problem.
Well, unlike the Altair, a computer that didn't run any software wouldn't
have sold very well in 1979; what do you call software, and how much'll
you let me expand it? They did have BASIC, Forth and PL/65 (and an
assembler of course), Serial I/O and two expansion busses, but although
you could connect a terminal and disk drives I think CP/M would be a bit
of a challenge... wouldn't want to run a Fortune 500's accounting on
it and end up like the Enron & Worldcom boys (and our very own
Lord Black of Crossharbour, presently starring in Chicago ;-).
But being (AC-powered) portable with a full keyboard and an integral 20
or 40 column display & printer, there were quite a few applications for them
on their own (e.g. insurance agents used them on the road, later moving to
the more or less functionally equivalent but smaller Panasonic HHC).
They were also used a fair bit in the lab & industrial area.