On 9/23/2015 1:38 AM, steven at
malikoff.com wrote:
Instead of cooking up another completely custom
inventory management schema, you might consider adhering to Dublin Core for some more
schema conventions:
Slightly more useful than MARC, but really it comes down to just a field
naming issue.
Relatively few of my fields are present there:
Title, Publisher, Creator (what I called Machine_MFG), Date (though
their definition is really really vague), identifier (my Manual_Number),
Their type would just be "Text" or "StillImage" for all of my stuff -
not sufficiently specific for my uses.
Subject is only *roughly* equivalent to my Machine table, and would not
do the job I need done with it.
I don't plan on a lengthy description. No way I am going to enter that
much data.
For the dbms engine I would use MariaDB over MySql (but with some of the MySQL tool
chain) as I prefer code to remain outside the clutches of Oracle:
It's a drop-in replacement, runs nicely and the HeidiSQL management client is very
I certainly understand that point of view. However, that really isn't
an issue for me, and MySQL is presumably better supported by hosting
Also, why are you restricting your field lengths so
much? This is the 21st century, you can afford to be a bit more generous on those VARCHARs
Probably. On the other hand, really easy to make them longer, too,
should that prove necessary - this isn't a 100 million row table. And
the fields are already longer, in most cases, than I would want to
actually display and longer than the fields I currently have - which
have already been lengthened as needed.
Final thing, are you going for a completely normalised
database? (ok, I haven't analysed your schema to any great extent)
THANKS FOR ASKING THAT QUESTION. Well I thought I had done a decent job
of practical normalization, but clearly missed some things that I
noticed as a result of your question.
First, I certainly should pull out the File and Online fields into a
separate table because as is they could result in
redundancy/inconsistency between multiple copies in my inventory.
Pulling them into a separate table will remove the redundancy, and also
allow for the eventual possibility of multiple online sources for a
given manual.
Fields: Machine_MFG(K), Manual_Number(K), OnlineLocation(K)*,
OnlineVersion*, OnlineMD5*.
(Filename goes away - it is just an instance of "OnlineLocation")
(*) - removed from original Manual table.
Theoretically, I should separate the copies into a separate copy table,
keyed by artifact ID, but it wouldn't really buy me much, as I almost
always store multiple copies of a manual in the same place. Still it
probably would be the way to go:
TABLE Artifact
Fields: ArtifactID(K), Location*, Cabinet*, Drawer*, InventoryDate*,
Missing*, Original*, Incomplete*, Publisher*, Date*
I think I will add a field "Marked" - Boolean - true if an artifact
has been marked with its ArtifactID.
I *might* also yank Publisher and Date into this table. Have to
think about that, but with the possibility of multiple printings,
the Date almost certainly belongs here. I suppose one could argue
the same for Publisher. AH YES! HP and Apollo - different
publishers for the exact same manual.
So, yes, these need to move too.
So now, table Manual just has the following:
Machine_MFG(K), Manual_Number(K), Title, Type
And I need a relationship table to bind the two together:
TABLE ManaulArtifacts
ArtifactID(K), Machine_MFG, Manual_Number
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Thoughts on manual database design?
From: "Jay Jaeger" <cube1 at charter.net>
Date: Wed, September 23, 2015 12:00 pm
To: cctalk at
So, I am looking to convert my old Access
database I have used for many
years to a MySQL database, with the expectation that I will eventually
publish it on a web page for public lookup.
Below is my first cut at a database design for it. I'd be happy for
comments and suggestions, to the list or directly. Note, however, that
I don't expect to do this to the same level of complexity and
completeness that one might if they were the library of congress, a
major university library, etc. So, some suggestions to generalize may
be quietly ignored, even if they would in principle, be the "right
thing" according to some criteria or other.
This would be used for manuals, per se, print sets, etc. Quite possibly
for books as well.
What follows amounts to a data dictionary:
This is the primary table of manuals. Many of the fields will be
available for string and/or pull down search, as appropriate.
Machine_MFG: VARCHAR(32)
The manufacturer of the machine(s) to which the manual applies
Part of unique key.
Pull down search.
Manual_Number: VARCHAR(40)
The manual number, including version strings, etc.
In some cases, this may be an SBN or ISBN.
Part of unique key
String search.
Artifact_ID: CHAR(16) [format/type still under consideration]
The local identifier for the manual/artifact.
Part of unique key.
Will be generated if none is entered during creation/update.
(Required because I may have more than one copy of a given manual).
Publisher: VARCHAR(32)
The publisher of the manual. (Typically will be the same as the
Machine MFG - but not necessarily always)
May not be NULL.
Type: VARCHAR(16)
Manual, Drawing (== printset, schematic, etc.), Book, ...
Pull down search.
Original: BOOLEAN
True if an original manual. False if a copy ("Xerox").
Missing: BOOLEAN
True if the manual is missing (i.e., is not where it is supposed to
be, and the actual location is not known).
Title: VARCHAR(255)
The title of the manual, including any subtitles.
Suggest "; " to separate multiple titles/subtitles
May not be NULL
String search.
Incomplete: CHAR(1)
Indicates if the manual is not a complete copy.
NULL indicates the copy is complete.
Year: DATE
The year the manual was published / printed / copyrighted.
May be NULL, signifying the date is unknown / not entered.
Location: VARCHAR(20)
The general location of the manual in my inventory
May be NULL, signifying the manual is not in my inventory.
Cabinet: CHAR(2)
The ID of the cabinet or box in which the manual is stored, if any.
May be NULL, even if the manual is in my inventory.
May not be NULL if Drawer is not NULL.
Drawer: CHAR(2)
The ID of the drawer of the cabinet in which the manual is stored,
if any. May be NULL.
Inventory_Date: DATE
The date that the manual was last inventoried.
Filename: VARCHAR(255)
The name of the file which is an image of the manual in my local
file storage.
OnlineLocation: VARCHAR(255)
URL of the manual located online (e.g., the bitsavers URL)
May be NULL. This does NOT mean that the manual is not online.
Of course, this field can become out of date.
OnlineVersion: CHAR(1)
= means that the online manual is the same version as this one
means that there is no equal version online, but
there is a
later version
< means there is no equal or later version online, but there is an
earlier version.
OnlineMD5: CHAR(32)
MD5 hash of online manual - used to check for moved manuals. ;)
TABLE MachineManual
This table cross references manuals to the machine(s) to which they
apply. This list will NOT be guaranteed to be complete. During inquiry
and update, this will be a list of machines with a separator character
in between which will not be allowed in Machine_MFG. During an update,
the entire list will be replaced with the first one being flagged as the
primary machine.
MachineMFG: (See above). Part of the unique key for this table.
Manual_Number: (See above) Part of the unique key for this table.
Machine: VARCHAR(16)
One of the machine(s) to which this manual applies.
Part of the unique key for this table.
Primary_Machine: BOOLEAN
When true, indicates that this machine should be listed first
in the list of applicable machines. For a peripheral, this will
typically be the machine for which the peripheral was originally
So a list of machines for an RX01 manual might be:
PDP-11, RX01, RX01, VAX-11
TABLE Machines
A lookup table of valid machines. Only column is Machine (See above).
Naturally this table will change over time - I anticipate that an update
where the updater (me) keys in an "invalid" one will be greeted with
some kind of confirmation panel.
TABLE Manufacturers
A lookup table of valid manufacturers. Only column is Machine_MFG
(See above). Naturally this table will change over time - I anticipate
that an update where the updater (me) keys in an "invalid" one will be
greeted with some kind of confirmation panel.
Table Types
A lookup table of valid Types. Only column is Type (See above)
TABLE: LastGeneratedArtifact
The last generated artifact ID - used to assign new artifact numbers
when one is not manually entered. Algorithm TBD. One column:
Artifact_ID (See above)
TABLE: Locations
A table of valid locations (e.g. Basement, Garage, STORAGE, Unknown, etc.)
Used for convenience during data entry.
(Once this one is done and running (at least locally), the next one is
probably media (tapes, floppies, etc.) which is not too bad, and then
machines, cards and parts, which is more complicated for lots of reasons).
After those are done (hopefully by the end of the year - I am retired
and this will be my primary focus for a while) comes the design for a
database for SMS cards and for the IBM 1410 use of SMS cards.